Do you know how many trees are cut down every year? Everyday? The Nature Conservancy estimates it to be around 15 billion a year, which is more than 41 million a year.
All over the globe, each one of us citizens has in one way or another contributed to some sort of pollution on this earth. We now find ourselves reaping the consequences of these actions, but there’s still positive things to discuss Earth Day 2024.
If every single person on this planet planted one tree, and there are an estimated 8 billion people alive, we could plant over 8 billion trees. All it takes is one person in a community to take a stand or make a proposition to begin reversing some of the harm we have caused.
Earth Day is one of the days where a light is shined on the much-needed cause of cleaning up our earth. Originating in 1970 in the US, has been making huge efforts to bring focus to this issue, with over 1 billion people involved.
At a smaller-scale, West Johnston High also stepped up and shared the beautiful day with the students. Mrs. Drown’s Ethics and Leadership class acted on some amazing virtues on April 22.
Mrs. Drown stated, “We are currently focusing on the civic virtues of moderation, responsibility, and respect in our leadership class. Earth Day was a great way to act on those virtues.”
Around the school, students made large posters containing reminders to recycle cans and plastics. Students also set up recycling bins in the school’s cafeteria and other common areas.
Mrs. Drown’s ethics and leadership class also went around the school campus cleaning up trash. It was a successful effort where students got to collaborate with each other while also supporting some of the virtues of responsibility in our own environment.
Students made an entire lap around the campus and picked up any trash in the parking lots, on the sports stadium bleachers, and in other areas outside of the school. Gathering over 10 bags of trash, they contributed to a great cleanup effort around the school!

The ethics and leadership class also made tape murals all over the school showing some of the civic virtues such as integrity, honesty, morality, respect, responsibility, and honor.
Here are some of the amazing murals:
These were some amazing efforts and many students have made comments and acknowledged the murals around the school. The recycling bins have been helpful to students who bring in plastic and aluminum cans and allow for the rightful disposal of them.
Sources of strength, our school peer mentor and mental health group, hosted games in the cafeteria celebrating Earth Day. They did Earth Day word searches and trivia questions about Earth facts!
These were some of the collaborative ways and efforts to shine a light on Earth Day at West Johnston, and it is important that these efforts continue in the future.
There is a collective responsibility to care for and sustain Earth for the future generations. By recycling, cleaning up trash, choosing more sustainable options, and lowering energy usage, a huge difference can be made.