EIC, The Wildcats Post (Tumbleston)

EIC, The Prowler (Tumbleston)

Assistant EIC, The Prowler (Tumbleston)
Three seniors have been inducted into The Quill and Scroll International Honor Society for Student Journalists. Quill and Scroll is an organization that strives to “encourage, support, and recognize individual student initiate and achievement in scholastic journalism, regardless of the medium.”
The inductees were: Selena Heath, Editor-in-Chief, The Wildcats Post; Connor Ruesch, Editor-in-Chief, and Peyton Parrish, Assistant Editor-in-Chief of the 2024 edition of The Prowler.
“I’m excited to see how this induction will allow me to connect with fellow student journalists. I hope that my induction will help other Black students, especially Black girls, know that there is and always will be a place for them in journalist spaces,” shared Heath.
Ruesch came to WJ as a transfer student from California. “I think it [being inducted into the society] represents an important achievement for students who are either invested into journalism throughout high school, or wish to continue it in college and as a career. So at least for me, the fact that it gives students who are passionate about journalism something to build towards and achieve, especially in a more rural county where that isn’t always recognized, is the most important part. I think everyone should be recognized for the work they do, and this [is]one huge step towards achieving that”, said Ruesch.
“For me, getting inducted into the Quill and Scroll is the culmination of 3 years of work in and out of journalism classes. I’ve always done things for band, and been recognized for that, but to be able to receive an honor like this for my other passion is pretty great,” explained Parrish, who is a former lead drummer in the percussion and rhythm section of the school’s band program. “Student journalism is important because it gives a voice and platform to the school community, as opposed to holding that power in the hands of teachers or administration. That voice and representation is critical to the culture of any school,” continued Parrish.
West Johnston is the third Johnston County school to charter a Quill and Scroll chapter which gives students opportunities to enter contests, get awards, and apply for scholarships. Quill and Scroll was founded on April 10, 1926 at the University of Iowa.
Originally there were 19 schools with charters but the organization now has charters in nearly 12, 000 high schools in all fifty states, D.C., and 29 foreign countries. “The information we share with each other is an important part of how we go through our daily lives, and journalists often share the brunt of that responsibility, reporting on what’s happening in the world around us. If there weren’t people who took that responsibility seriously, then I’d say the world would be in a much worse place,”stated Ruesch.
“Good quality student journalism is important because only students can tell student’s stories. Students are able to provide unique perspectives to stories and have a special relation to, not only their institution, but the world around them as well. Good student journalism is a powerful tool to foster communities of education and intellect, care, and connection,” declared Heath.